Position description: The Scoutmaster is the adult responsible for working directly with the Scouts to help them create the program for the troop. The Scoutmaster trains boy leaders to run the troop by providing direction, coaching, and support.
Reports to: The Troop Committee Chairman
Scoutmaster duties:
- Trains and guides boy leaders.
- Works with other responsible adults to bring Scouting to boys.
- Uses the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.
- Can be male or female, but must be at least 21 years of age.
- Is appointed by the head of the chartered organization.
Position description: An Assistant Scoutmaster is an adult leader age 18 or over who assists the Scoutmaster in delivering the troop program.
Reports to: The Scoutmaster
Assistant Scoutmaster duties:
- This is the only troop adult leader position for adults age 18-20.
- Assist the Scoutmaster as directed
- Works with other responsible adults to bring Scouting to boys.
- Uses the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.
- Can be male or female, but must be at least 18 years of age.
- Is appointed by the Scoutmaster and approved by the Troop Committee Chair.
- Abide by the Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law.
- Subscribe to the precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle
- All volunteers are expected to complete Youth Protection training. It is available online on the Web site http://olc.scouting.org. As a volunteer, you are expected to complete the training within 90 days of assuming a leadership position.
Position description: The Committee Chairman is appointed by the chartered organization and registered as an adult leader of the BSA. The Committee Chairman appoints and supervises the troop committee and troop leaders.
Reports to: Chartered Organization
Committee Chairman duties:
- Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.
- Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative and the Scoutmaster.
- Interpret national and local policies to the troop.
- Work closely with the Scoutmaster in preparing Troop Committee meeting agendas.
- Call, preside over, and promote attendance at monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called.
- Ensure troop representation at monthly roundtables.
- Secure top-notch, trained individuals for camp membership.
- Arrange for charter review and recharter annually.
- Plan the charter presentation program.
Position description: The Secretary is appointed by the Committee Chairman to keep minutes and records, send notices, and handle publicity.
Reports to: The Committee Chairmanr
Secretary duties:
- Keep minutes of meetings and send out committee meeting notices.
- Handle publicity.
- Prepare a family newsletter of troop events and activities.
- Conduct the troop resource survey.
- Plan for family night programs and family activities.
- At each meeting, report the minutes of the previous meeting.
Position description: The treasurer is appointed by the committee chairman to handle troop funds, pay bills, maintain accounts, coordinate the annual Friends of Scouting campaign, and supervise fundraising.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Treasurer duties:
- Handle all troop funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee.
- Maintain the troop’s checking and savings accounts.
- Train and supervise the troop Scribe in record keeping.
- Keep adequate records in the Troop Record Book.
- Supervise money-earning projects, including obtaining proper authorizations.
- Supervise the camp savings plan.
- Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Position description: The Advancement Chair is appointed by the Committee Chairman to ensure that the troop has at least monthly boards of review, quarterly courts of honor, and that the troop has goals of helping each Scout advance a rank each year and for new Scouts to reach First Class rank during their first year. The advancement chair is also responsible for record keeping and submitting advancement reports.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Advancement Chair duties:
- Encourage Scouts to advance in rank.
- Works with troop Scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records.
- Arranges troop boards of review and quarterly courts of honor.
- Develop and maintain a merit badge counselor list.
- Make a prompt report on the correct form to the council service center when a troop board of review is held. Secure badges and certificates.
- Work with the troop librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge pamphlets and other advancement literature.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Position description: The equipment coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to work with the youth Quartermaster and is responsible inventory, storage, and maintenance of troop equipment.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Equipment Coordinator duties:
- Supervise and help the troop procure camping equipment.
- Works with the Quartermaster on inventory, proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment.
- Make periodic safety checks on all troop camping gear and encourages safe use of all outdoor equipment.
- Gives troop a copy of gear report to the troop Secretary to record in the troop record book.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Position description: The outdoor/activities Coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to secure tour permits and permission to use camping site, serve as transportation coordinator, ensure a monthly outdoor program.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Outdoor/Activities Coordinator duties:
- Help in securing permission to use camping sites.
- Serve as transportation coordinator.
- Ensure a monthly outdoor program.
- Promote the National Camping Award.
- Promote, through family meetings, attendance at troop campouts, camporees, and summer camp to reach the goal of an outing per month.
- Secure tour permits for all troop activities.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Position description: The membership Coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to help ensure a smooth transition of new Scouts into the troop and orientation for new parents.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Membership Coordinator duties:
- develop a plan for year-round membership flow into the troop.
- Work closely with the Cubmaster and webelos den leader of neighboring Cub Scout packs to make a smooth transition from pack to troop. Assist in developing and recruiting den chiefs, and assist in the crossover ceremony from webelos to Boy Scouts..
- Plan and coordinate a troop open house to invite non-Scouts into the troop.
- Encourage Scouts to invite their freinds to join the troop.
- Keep track of Scouts who drop out of the troop, and develop a plan to encourage them to rejoin.
Position description: The training coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to ensure training opportunities are available, maintain training records and materials, and is responsible for BSA Youth Protection training.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Training Coordinator duties:
- Ensure troop leaders and committee members have opportunities for training.
- Maintain an inventory of up-to-date training materials, videotapes, and other training resources.
- Work with the district training team in scheduling Fast Start training for all new leaders and adult family members.
- Be responsible for BSA Youth Protection training within the troop.
- Encourage periodic junior leader training within the troop at the council and national levels.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Position description: The public relations coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to inform parents of their responsibilities in Scouting and with the chartered organization. Provides news and announcements about the troop to newspapers, bulletins of sponsors, web sites, etc. Promotes and stimulates service projects, Scouting Anniversary Week, Scout Sunday or Scout Sabbath, and family participation in troop events. Promotes new membership and lets people in the neighborhood know that Scouting is available.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Public Relations Coordinator duties:
Position description: The Friends of Scouting coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to work closely with the troop committee on public relations for FOS; conducts annual FOS campaign to enroll family members and adult leaders in FOS; gives recognition to contributors and enrollees.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Friends of Scouting Coordinator duties:
- Insure participation of the troop committee and all parents in the Council "Freinds of Scouting" Campaign.
- Recruit one adult for each patrol to serve as an enroller
- Insure that each parent is contacted and asked for their financial support.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Position description: The Scouting for Food Coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to coordinate an annual food drive for the troop and reports the result to the district.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Scouting for Food Coordinator duties:
Position description: The Fundraising Coordinator, also called the "Popcorn Kernel" in some councils, is appointed by the committee chairman to supervise Fundraising and ensure that every youth member has the opportunity to participate in Popcorn sales or other council Fundraising events.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Fundraising Coordinator duties:
- Make recommendations on fundraising activities.
- Work with the leaders to provide Fundraising training for youth and families.
- Help the troop committee and leaders with Popcorn and other Fundraising events.
- Provide sufficient Fundraising opportunities so that boys can pay for their Basic Expenses and have money in their Individual Accounts.
- Work with the Treasurer in conducting council-approved unit money-earning projects.
- All Fundraising activities and the profit allocation to the troop will be in compliance with BSA Policy.
Position description: The Health and Safety Coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to supervise Fundraising and ensure that every youth member has the opportunity to participate in Popcorn sales or other council Fundraising events.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Health and Safety Coordinator duties:
- Obtain current health histories and/or current Class 2 or 3 Medical Forms as appropriate for each scout.
- Insure that each adult leader be trained in "Scouting Safety... Begins With Leadership".
- Verify that each adult leader has the proper health and safety trainings required for each activity being conducted.
- Schedule First Aid and CPR training for adult leaders without current certification.
- Arrange for qualified supervision at every unit activity.
- Develop and exercise unit discipline based on respect,understandimng, and leadership.
- Maintain a troop first aid kit.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Position description: The ScoutParent Troop Coordinator is an appointed member of the troop committee or can be an assistant troop leader. Their job is to welcome parents, keep them informed, and encourage them to help with at least one specific task or project each year. Larger units might choose to have more than one ScoutParents troop coordinator. The ScoutParents Troop coordinator position became official June 1, 2008 and the position code is "PS." The ScoutParents Troop coordinator must be at least 21 years old, complete an adult application, and pay the same registration fee as other adult leaders. Find Fast Start Training for troop coordinators online. Newly printed youth applications also mention the ScoutParents program. A checkbox in the parent section lets parents commit to being active ScoutParents. By entering an e-mail address, they can receive information from council, district, and troop leaders about ways to get involved. ScoutParents.org web site.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
ScoutParent Troop Coordinator duties:
- Assign every parent to help with a specific task, assignment, or project annually.
- Orient parents on how the troop works and the benefits to their family. and
- Keep parents updated on the troop’s program and their child’s involvement.
The goals of these responsibilities are to:
- Develop and implement methods which encourage and empower Scouting participants to help maximize the number of dedicated Scouting youth and parents and mentors as dedicated Scouting volunteers who participate with their Scouts.
- Leads their family in obtaining the values, benefits, experiences and rewards from their family’s Scouting participation, and in sharing these with others.
- Enjoys participating with his or her Scout and inspires their child to persevere in Scouting with their tenure, activity participation and achievement.
- Helps enhance youth and parent-mentor recruitment, retention, enthusiasm, commitment and participation in the passionate GREAT Family FUN of Scouting.
Position description: The chaplain is appointed by the committee chairman to provide spiritual tone, guide the chaplain aide, give spiritual counseling, and promote the regular religious participation of each member.
Reports to: The Committee Chairman
Chaplain duties:
- Provide a spiritual tone for troop meetings and activities.
- Give guidance to the chaplain aide.
- Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of his choice.
- Visit homes of the Scouts in time of sickness or need.
- Give spiritual counseling service when needed or requested.
- Encourage Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems.
- Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
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