Rank Advancement
Rank Requirements |
Procedures and RequirementsEach Scout is expected to complete a minimum advancement of one rank per year. Unlike Cub Scouting, parents may not sign off on a Scout completing a requirement for rank advancement. However, another Scout who is at least two ranks higher, may sign off on requirement completions of another Scout. Parents should help the Scout keep a record of his accomplishments. As the Scout completes his requirements for each badge, the last two requirements for each are a Scoutmaster’s Conference and finally, a Board of Review, convened by the Troop Committee. The Scoutmaster Conference is time for the Scoutmaster and Scout to take stock in where the Scout is and where he is going. The Board of Review, made up of at least three parents, other than those of the Scout, reviews a sampling of the material the Scout should know, not only for that rank, but all previous ranks before. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters are not permitted to take part in the Board of Review.The purpose of the Board of Review is not to retest the Scout but rather to ensure that he has completed all of the requirements, to determine the quality of his Troop experience, and to encourage him to advance toward the next rank. Scouts need to have their Boy Scout Handbook and should be in full BSA Class A uniform when appearing before a Board of Review. At the beginning of the Review, the president of the Board will bring the Scout into the room, introduce the Scout to the Board, and invite the Scout to be seated. During the Review, the Board will discuss the Scout’s development, ask questions about skills that were required for a particular rank, and evaluate the Scout in terms of Troop activities and readiness for the next rank. The Board of Review is a time for the Scout to ask any questions and to give feedback to the Troop Committee about activities and Scouting experience. At the end of the Review, the Scout will be asked to leave the room while the Board discusses his qualifications. The Board will then call the Scout back into the room and inform them either that they have been approved for the next rank or what additional actions must be taken to qualify. After passing the Board of Review, the Scout will be recognized in front of the Troop as soon as possible and will receive the new rank patch shortly after, usually at the next Troop meeting. The Scout will be formally recognized for rank advancements and merit badges in front of family and friends during a ceremony called the Court of Honor. At this time the Scout will be presented with his wallet-sized certificate card and a rank pin ("mother’s pin"). At least four Courts of Honor are scheduled each year. The Scout’s parents, other family members, and friends are invited and encouraged to attend all Courts of Honor. After reaching the rank of Life Scout, the Scout will meet with one of the adult leaders in the Troop. At this meeting the Scout will receive a Life to Eagle packet and discuss ideas and suggestions for his Eagle Service Project. This project must conform to special guidelines that have been outlined by the Boy Scouts of America. The Scoutmaster, Troop Advancement Chairman, and a representative of your District Advancement Committee, as well as the benefiting organization, must approve the project before a Scout begins carrying it out. |